2015+ Mustang Rear Suspension Kits & Parts - Mike Maier Inc https://mikemaierinc.com/product/2015-present-mustang/rear-suspension-2015-present-mustang/ Performance Suspension Parts for Classic & Modern Mustangs Fri, 22 Jan 2021 19:08:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 2015+ Mustang JRI Rear Shocks https://mikemaierinc.com/products/2015-present-mustang/rear-suspension-2015-present-mustang/2015-mustang-jri-rear-shocks/ https://mikemaierinc.com/products/2015-present-mustang/rear-suspension-2015-present-mustang/2015-mustang-jri-rear-shocks/#respond Mon, 13 Apr 2020 17:55:24 +0000 http://mikemaierinc.com/?post_type=product&p=814 The collaboration between MMI and JRi continues with our S550 rear shock with proprietary valving.

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The collaboration between MMI and JRi goes back to the creation of MMI and the early model Mustang line. We developed all our coilover systems utilizing JRi shock technology. With the S550 Mustang platform we have returned to utilize the JRi shock platform with our proprietary valving to produce a ride that is comfortable on the street while allowing the driver to push the vehicle to its limits.


  • MMI proprietary valving
  • Quality made in USA JRi shock
  • Ease of installation
  • Improved vehicle performance
  • Available in single & double adjustable variants
  • Shortened shock body to facilitate lower ride heights
  • Sold individually

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2015+ Mustang Hyperco 6″ Rear Springs https://mikemaierinc.com/products/2015-present-mustang/rear-suspension-2015-present-mustang/2015-mustang-hyperco-6-rear-springs/ https://mikemaierinc.com/products/2015-present-mustang/rear-suspension-2015-present-mustang/2015-mustang-hyperco-6-rear-springs/#respond Mon, 13 Apr 2020 17:50:06 +0000 http://mikemaierinc.com/?post_type=product&p=813 2.5″ x 6″ Hyper coil springs. 1300 lb pr inch.

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2.5″ x 6″ Hyper coil springs. 1300 lb pr inch.

Sold each.

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2015+ Mustang MOD Rear Height Adjusters https://mikemaierinc.com/products/2015-present-mustang/rear-suspension-2015-present-mustang/2015-mustang-mod-rear-height-adjusters/ https://mikemaierinc.com/products/2015-present-mustang/rear-suspension-2015-present-mustang/2015-mustang-mod-rear-height-adjusters/#comments Mon, 13 Apr 2020 17:48:43 +0000 http://mikemaierinc.com/?post_type=product&p=812 These little adjusters are awesome, and in more ways than one. By mounting the rear coil and spring perch assembly on a screw jack, this parts allows you to quickly and easily adjust the rear ride height of the car with only a wrench.

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These little adjusters are awesome, and in more ways than one. By mounting the rear coil and spring perch assembly on a screw jack, this parts allows you to quickly and easily adjust the rear ride height of the car with only a wrench. Plus by employing the use of standard coilover springs you are now free to find the spring rate that is right for you. Swapping a spring is quick and easy, we’ve even done it between laps at the track. It also makes corner balancing the car faster and simpler, ultimately giving you even more control over the feel you want at the racetrack.

This weight jacker kit has been designed to work with either a 2.5″ x 6″ diameter coil spring or a 2.25″ x 5″ or 6″ coil spring depending on spring rates. Installation takes only an hour or so and requires no modification or cutting of your car.

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